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Purpose Quest
Leadership for planetary health

Discover and strengthen your purpose for a life-affirming future

You are committed to making an impact for a better world or you feel that you are being called to do so. But, in all the turmoil with mounting challenges you need space to reflect, focus your efforts, discover what is your purpose and empower yourself to lead with confidence and clarity.

  • 4 days away from it all on the beautiful island of Schiermonnikoog

  • Join future leaders and impact makers

  • Space for emergence of your purpose for planetary health

  • Gain new perspectives on regeneration and life-affirming leadership

  • Recharge, re-energize en empower your vision

  • Connect with nature


The program combines a purpose quest with an exploration of the fundamentals of regenerative business and its implications for leadership.


A purpose quest is an immersive process based on ancient traditions designed to develop and strengthen a vision for leadership during times of transition. We have adapted this process specifically for developing your personal purpose in the context of personal and planetary health. We explore the fundamentals of living systems and regenerative business to empower you with a life-affirming perspective on business, organisations and leadership to carry your purpose forward.


For whom?

You are a professional in your field. You are concerned about the state of the planet and want to contribute to leaving a better planet using your expertise, experience, and ideas. What is your role in this? How can you lead yourself and others with impact?

You are a leader in an organization. You want your organization to make a positive contribution to the world. There may already be some efforts, but you sense that a deeper transformation is on the horizon. What does this require from you? What source can you tap into to empower yourself? How do you bring your organisation along and lead with compassion, wisdom, and impact?

You are a sustainability professional. You are dedicated and you work hard on solutions for a better world. Sometimes you get stuck, lose energy, feel overwhelmed, or discouraged. How can you move forward with more impact, energy, connection, peace, and confidence to fulfill your purpose?

If this sounds familiar and you could use some space, peace, inspiration and encouragement to let what's next for you emerge then this program is for you.

‘The best way to serve the planet is by aligning our outer and inner nature – by opening up to our true nature. This is the best gift we can make to ourselves and the world, especially today when we witness so much planetary distress’

John P. Milton



  • Purpose – through the quest you will bring together your creativity, wisdom and vision with your capabilities to discover and nurture your unique life-giving purpose.

  • Leadership for sustainability – you will grow your capacity to transcend and lead others through systemic sustainability challenges.

  • Resilience – you will learn to focus coming from a place of trust, stillness, clarity and creativity.

  • Presence – as a leader you will learn to be fully open and present to the spoken and unspoken reality and needs of others.

  • Connection with nature – you will deepen your connection with nature as a source of awareness and renewal.

  • Insight in the fundamentals of living systems and its implications for business.

The purpose quest

The Purpose Quest is a deep immersive learning experience especially designed for leadership transitions. Purpose Quests are based on the consciousness of our interrelatedness with all life and the alignment of our inner nature with our outer nature. It is built on leadership technology passed on to us from ancient civilizations until today. We have brought them together into a program that is particularly suitable for professionals and leaders facing complex sustainability challenges. The insights that emerge can be applied at transitions at any level, from personal to societal.


The Purpose Quest offers a structured and ritualized exploration of our inner landscape and consciousness. It allows us to explore the deeper mindsets and patterns that hold us back and strengthens our creative life-giving abilities that helps us find the courage to shape new realities.


To support the Purpose Quest we will use techniques from mindfulness and meditation for clearing the mind, and yoga and qigong for mind/body synchronizing practices. We will work in nature to help restore and embody our interconnectedness with all life and to align inner and outer nature.

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Your facilitators

In this video Sander and Emiel explain the history, background and idea behind the purpose quest.


Location & registration

The purpose quest is set on the beautiful and wild Dutch island of Schiermonnikoog, a National Park, biodiversity hotspot and part of Unesco World Heritage site the Wadden Sea. In this varied and shifting landscape you will wake to the sound of birds and you will experience deep silence during the night. And perhaps, if we are lucky, we will gaze at the very dark and clear star-filled sky above the island. Our venue will be De Aude Schúele, a charming old school house in the village of Schiermonnikoog.



Arrival on Schiermonnikoog on Tuesday 9th of April

Departure from Schiermonnikoog on Friday 12th of April



€1150,- self employed rate

€1650,- corporate rate


All meals and a simple shared bedroom at the Aude Schúele are included. Alternative accomodation options are available within walking distance.


More information:

Emiel van Sambeek +31 (0)6 54 23 28 83 

Sander Tideman  +31 (0)6 29 03 51 70


We aim for a group of approximately 10 participants.

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